Project put on hold

Hello, followers of the "German Apartment Simulator" Project! I want to give an update, it will be the last one for a little while. 

As you may have noticed, there haven't been any updates on the project recently, the reason for that being personal reasons and a lack of interest in the project. I started working on German Apartment Simulator as a test to try and get comfortable with a new game engine I was using at the time. Still, I realized that I wasn't too passionate about this game anymore. Therefore, I will be putting this project on hold. The future of this project is still unknown, but since I want to be honest: I don't think that it will be finished any time soon.

I would also like to announce a new project which has been started which will be called "Project Morimew". Further information and teasers are coming soon. As a game dev, I want to communicate as best as I can and will try to post regular updates on Project Morimew whenever I can. 

Tldr: German Apartment Simulator has been put on hold and will be replaced by a new project.

-Kurostudios Devteam

Devlog Author: KenzuKuro (Developer, Owner)

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